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Holy Week Devotions: A Guide to Deepening Faith with Family at Home

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  • Priests ⁢offer ⁣advice for a meaningful ‍Holy Week experience.
  • Attending Triduum liturgies ​and additional prayer recommended.
  • Creating ​a prayerful environment⁤ at ⁢home emphasized.

Engaging⁣ in Holy Week

As the Catholic community⁢ prepares for Easter, two priests have shared insights on how to ⁢deeply engage with the spiritual significance of Holy Week.‌ Fr. Gary Benz from the Diocese ‌of Bismarck encourages participation in the⁤ Triduum liturgies, which include Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the‍ Holy Saturday Vigil. He⁤ emphasizes ​the importance of this experience to understand ‍the paschal mystery‌ of Jesus’ ‍passion, death,‌ and​ resurrection.

Prayer ‌and Liturgies

Fr. Benz suggests that Catholics should try to attend these ‍liturgies and engage in ⁢extended ⁢prayer opportunities provided⁣ by ⁤churches. He specifically mentions the altar ​of reposition ‌on Holy Thursday for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, urging families to spend time in⁣ adoration together.

Holy Saturday ⁢Reflections

Fr. Daniel Ciucci of the Archdiocese of Denver recommends the Church’s​ Office of Readings for⁢ Holy Saturday,⁢ particularly ‍an ancient homily titled ‘Something Strange is Happening’ to enrich the Holy ‍Saturday ⁢contemplation.

Good Friday ‍Traditions

On ⁢Good Friday, Fr. Benz notes the tradition⁣ of venerating‍ the crucified Christ and suggests praying‌ the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. He ‌also mentions an old European ​tradition of maintaining a mournful and‍ prayerful silence from Good ⁤Friday until the Easter Vigil⁢ to honor the ⁣time ​Christ spent in ⁣the tomb.

Creating a⁢ Prayerful Home

The priests advise creating a prayerful environment at home by ⁤reducing the use of technology and maintaining silence as a form of anticipation and respect for the resurrection.

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