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Pope Francis Approves Miracles, Paving Way for New Saints in the Christian Faith

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  • Pope Francis approves miracles for several blesseds, advancing them towards sainthood.
  • Notable figures include‍ Carlo Acutis, Giuseppe Allamano, Marie-Leonie Paradis, and Elena Guerra.
  • The Vatican also recognizes the martyrdom and heroic‍ virtues of other servants of⁤ God.

Path to ​Sainthood: Pope Francis Recognizes Miracles and Martyrdom

In a significant move by the‍ Vatican, Pope Francis has⁣ authorized the promulgation ​of a decree recognizing miracles attributed to several blesseds,‌ setting the stage for their upcoming canonizations.

The announcement⁢ came after a meeting with Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, where they discussed the canonization of four blesseds, including ​the first millennial ​to ⁣be⁣ beatified, ⁣Carlo Acutis, and the founder of the Consolata Missionaries, Giuseppe Allamano. Canadian nun Marie-Leonie​ Paradis, who⁤ established the Little Sisters of the⁢ Holy⁤ Family, and Elena Guerra,‍ founder of the Oblates of the Holy Spirit, are also on the ⁢list for sainthood.

The Vatican’s approval extends to Blessed ⁣Manuel Ruiz and companions, as well as the Massabki brothers, all martyred for their faith. Additionally, a miracle attributed to ‌Venerable Giovanni Merlini has been recognized, along with the martyrdom of Maria Maddalena ⁣Bodi and Stanislao Kostka Streich. The⁤ heroic virtues of Guglielmo Gattiani, Ismaele Molinero Novillo, and Enrico Medi, an Italian physicist⁢ and ⁣politician, were also acknowledged.

This development is a testament to ⁢the Catholic Church’s commitment to honoring those who have led lives of exceptional‍ faith and service, as they are now poised to be officially recognized as saints.

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