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California Teens Secure $1M Victory in Defamation Case Against School for Blackface Misunderstanding

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  • California‍ teens win $1 million lawsuit​ against Saint‌ Francis High⁤ School.
  • Jury rules in favor ⁢of teens over⁤ blackface allegations and ‌due process breach.
  • Controversy sparked by misinterpreted ‌photos of acne treatment masks.
  • School considering‌ an appeal against the​ jury’s decision.

California ⁤Teens Triumph in Legal ⁤Battle

In⁣ a landmark decision, ‌two ‌California teenagers emerged victorious in a legal dispute with Saint Francis High School, securing a $1 million award and tuition reimbursement.

The conflict originated from a ‍misunderstanding of photos showing the teens ​with ⁤dark green acne ‍treatment masks,‌ which were mistaken for blackface. The images, dating back three years, became a source⁣ of controversy in June 2020 after ‍being linked‍ to a ⁣meme‍ about George⁣ Floyd’s murder. This led to a⁢ severe backlash and⁣ accusations of racism against the students at the Mountain View school. Under‍ pressure, the school’s administration,‍ led ⁣by⁤ Principal Katie Teekell, advised one of the boys ⁢to withdraw to avoid⁢ expulsion, a decision later contested for its focus on the photo’s⁢ optics​ rather⁤ than intent.

The⁢ lawsuit ‍contended that the school failed to⁣ properly investigate the incident or help rectify the misinterpretation of ​the photos. The boys faced additional hurdles after leaving SFHS, including restrictions‌ on sports participation at ⁢their new schools. The ⁤jury’s verdict ‌not only granted the⁤ plaintiffs a ​significant financial award but also aimed to restore their reputations and ⁤clarify the ​incident’s true nature.

Despite the jury’s ruling, SFHS disagrees with the verdict, questioning the fairness ‍of their disciplinary process​ and hinting at a‌ potential appeal.⁤ The school stands by its actions, citing the context‌ and community’s reaction ‌as justification.

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Image Credits

  • Katrin Bolovtsova: Photo of the legal documents⁤ and gavel.
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