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India Election Results: Why Global Leaders Hesitate to Congratulate Modi on His Narrow Victory

putin news today


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  • Modi wins a third term as India’s Prime Minister.
  • World leaders, including Biden and Putin, congratulate Modi.
  • The election results were unexpectedly close.

Modi Secures a Third Term

India’s political landscape​ remains under the leadership of ⁣Narendra Modi,⁣ who has been declared Prime Minister for an ⁢unprecedented⁤ third term.

Following the⁢ announcement of the‌ election results, which came in closer than anticipated, global leaders have been reaching out to extend their​ congratulations. Notably,⁣ both President Biden ⁤of the United States⁤ and President ‌Putin of Russia⁢ made ​calls to Modi,‌ acknowledging his continued role in shaping⁢ India’s future. The election’s tight ⁤margin has been a topic of discussion, reflecting a competitive political environment.‍ As ‌Modi prepares ⁤to embark on another ⁢term, the ⁣international community⁢ watches to see ​how his leadership will influence not only India but also its relations worldwide.

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