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Expert Medical Advice on Child Health Protection: Essential Wellness Tips

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  • Medical coalition signs “Doctors Protecting ⁤Children” declaration against‍ minor transgender treatments.
  • Leaked files‍ from transgender health association raise informed consent concerns for children.
  • England’s Cass Review questions evidence ⁣for prescribing​ transgender drugs to​ minors.
  • Declaration calls for medical decisions ‌respecting biological reality and​ personal‌ dignity.

Medical Experts Advocate for Children’s Health‌ in Gender Treatment Debate

A group of leading medical professionals ‌has united under the “Doctors Protecting Children” declaration, voicing significant ⁣concerns over ⁢the treatment of minors with gender dysphoria. ⁣Jill Simons of the American ⁣College of Pediatricians has been at the forefront, bringing attention to the risks involved in irreversible transgender procedures⁢ for children.

The ​coalition’s alarm ‌was triggered by leaked files from the‌ World Professional⁢ Association of ‌Transgender Health, revealing doubts about minors’ ability to consent‍ to such life-altering treatments. The Cass Review from England further fueled the debate by highlighting the lack of robust evidence for the routine use​ of transgender drugs ⁣in young people.

With 18 health ​policy ⁤and medical organizations and‌ nearly ⁣100 doctors ‌and health leaders⁣ backing the declaration, the group is pushing for a halt to gender-affirming care treatments that overlook biological realities. Mario ⁢Dickerson of the ⁢Catholic Medical Association stressed the urgency of protecting the 720,000 children potentially affected‍ by transgenderism in the⁣ U.S.

The declaration emphasizes the⁢ natural resolution of gender confusion⁣ through puberty for most ⁤adolescents and ⁤the challenges of obtaining informed consent due to the adolescent‍ brain’s developmental stage.⁣ It also points out the grave long-term risks of ‌social ‌transition and medical interventions, advocating ⁤for psychotherapy to address underlying mental health‌ issues.

Despite the current situation, Simons remains ‌hopeful that⁣ the declaration will lead‍ to positive changes in the​ treatment of⁣ gender dysphoria in minors, ensuring that medical practices honor​ the dignity of the individual and adhere to evidence-based care.

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  • Getty Images: Protecting Children’s Health – Medical Experts Speak Out.
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