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Report Reveals Deliberate Starvation Tactics by Russian Forces in Mariupol, Ukraine

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  • Russian forces accused of starving Ukrainians in Mariupol as a war tactic in 2022.
  • Global Rights Compliance⁣ report highlights targeting of civilian essentials.
  • Strategic port ⁣city suffered from deliberate attacks on food, water, and medical facilities.

Understanding the Siege of Mariupol

A recent report sheds light ​on the harrowing⁢ conditions faced by Ukrainians in Mariupol during the​ 2022 siege by Russian forces.

The human rights‍ group Global Rights Compliance has released⁢ findings indicating that Russian military‌ tactics included the deliberate targeting‍ of civilian necessities such as food, water, and healthcare services. This strategy was employed before Russia successfully captured the strategic⁤ port city. ‍The report suggests these actions were part of a calculated effort to weaken the city’s resistance by depriving civilians of essential resources, effectively using starvation as a​ weapon of war. The siege of Mariupol stands as a stark example of⁣ the severe impact of military conflict on urban populations, raising serious concerns about violations of international humanitarian law.

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