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New Law Enhances Surveillance on Immigrants Entering the US: What You Need to Know

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  • Congress passed H.R. 7888, reauthorizing⁤ Section 702 ⁢of FISA and expanding surveillance powers.
  • New provisions allow warrantless vetting of noncitizens traveling to the U.S., affecting millions.
  • Reforms aim to⁣ limit surveillance abuse but stop short of requiring warrants‍ for Americans’ data queries.
  • Controversy surrounds the potential⁣ for misuse of expanded powers, with legal recourse for challenges limited.

Summary of ​Congressional ‍Surveillance Expansion

On April​ 19, Congress ​approved the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America‍ Act (RISAA),⁣ which President Biden signed into law, extending Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ‌(FISA) for ⁢two years. This ​legislation introduces modest reforms while also incorporating controversial expansions to the federal ‍government’s surveillance​ capabilities,​ particularly impacting noncitizens seeking⁣ entry into the United States.

Despite historical controversies over warrantless wiretapping, the new law‌ permits the collection ‍of communications without a‌ warrant​ from non-U.S. persons believed to be outside the country. This has led to the accumulation of domestic conversations in searchable databases, which have been ⁤subject to abuse by intelligence ‍agencies, as evidenced by surveillance ‌of Black Lives Matter protesters and other U.S. residents.

One of the most ⁣contentious aspects of RISAA is the provision that mandates ‌intelligence ⁤agencies ​to vet all non-U.S. persons processed for travel to the⁤ United States. This broad ⁤authority has raised concerns about the potential for misuse, including surveillance of individuals based on ideology or political beliefs, and the⁣ lack of legal avenues to challenge ​visa ⁤processing delays⁤ or inadmissibility findings resulting from⁤ this vetting.

While the ⁣full implications of the new⁣ immigrant travel vetting provision are yet to ⁣be seen, the reauthorization of​ Section 702 in ‍two years⁤ will​ provide an opportunity‌ to reassess its impact⁣ and address any concerns that arise.

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