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Report Reveals Unwarranted Surgeries on Immigrants in ICE Detention Centers

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  • OIG report finds 32% of surgeries in ICE custody improperly authorized.
  • Forced hysterectomies at Irwin Detention⁣ Center not isolated incidents.
  • ICE agrees to ⁢improve protocols‍ for authorizing​ major surgeries.
  • ICE’s practices under scrutiny for substandard ​care and unnecessary procedures.

Summary ‌of DHS OIG Report on ICE Medical Procedures

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has ‌revealed significant ⁢lapses in the authorization of medical procedures for immigrants detained by ICE. A substantial 32%⁢ of⁢ major surgeries lacked ⁤proper authorization, casting‍ doubt on their⁣ medical necessity. The report ‍highlighted that the forced hysterectomies reported at Georgia’s Irwin Detention‍ Center are part of ⁤a broader issue.

Authorization Failures and Record-Keeping Gaps

ICE’s Health Service Corp (IHSC) failed to follow its ⁢own protocols for surgery approvals, often bypassing the required medical expertise. The OIG’s audit of 227 surgery reports showed that only 72 were‍ approved by appropriately trained personnel. Additionally, the⁤ IHSC’s record-keeping system was found to be inadequate,​ with‍ authorizations sometimes given verbally ⁣or via email instead ⁢of being properly ⁣documented.

Investigation‌ into Unnecessary Hysterectomies

Concerns about unnecessary hysterectomies were confirmed by a Senate investigation in ⁤2022. The OIG’s independent review of OB/GYN ⁤procedures‌ between 2019 and 2021 found instances where hysterectomies were not medically justified. This suggests that‌ the ⁤issue extends beyond the Irwin Detention Center.

ICE’s Response and Commitment to Improvement

ICE initially resisted the OIG’s request for information, leading ⁤to⁢ delays in the audit. However, ⁢following the report, ICE has agreed to develop better protocols to ensure that major surgeries are authorized by qualified medical professionals. This commitment is a⁤ step ⁣towards addressing the ⁣broader issues of substandard care and inhumane conditions faced by ‍detainees.

Call for ⁢Transparency and Oversight

The report​ calls for ICE and DHS to be⁤ transparent about the extent of improper medical practices and to facilitate oversight without obstruction. It emphasizes the need for ICE to uphold its mission and address the harm caused by unauthorized surgeries.

Read the full article here.

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