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August Prayer Focus: Discover Pope Francis’ Intentions for Faith and Family Life


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  • Pope Francis calls for prayers for political leaders in August.
  • He highlights the importance of good politics for achieving universal brotherhood.
  • The Pope​ emphasizes politics should focus on serving people, especially the poor.
  • He concludes with a prayer for leaders to prioritize the development and needs of the most vulnerable.

Pope​ Francis‍ Advocates for Noble Politics in Prayer Intentions

In a heartfelt message, Pope Francis urges​ the faithful to pray for political leaders this August.

Addressing the tarnished reputation of politics‍ due ⁢to ​prevalent corruption​ and scandals, the Pope insists that good politics is essential for fostering ⁤universal brotherhood. Echoing Pope Paul VI, he describes politics as a high ‍form of charity that aims for the common good. Pope Francis distinguishes between self-serving politics ‍and the genuine kind that listens and responds to the needs ⁢of ​the people, particularly‍ the ‌impoverished and ​unemployed.

He praises those politicians who dedicate themselves‌ to serving others rather​ than​ seeking power,​ and ⁤who‍ strive ⁣tirelessly for the common good. ⁤The Pope’s message⁣ culminates in a prayer, asking for political leaders‍ to be true servants to their people, focusing on the development of all ⁤and giving precedence to the needs of the poorest and those without jobs.

This ‌call to prayer is ⁢part ⁤of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network initiative,⁤ which disseminates his monthly prayer​ intentions to a global ⁢audience.

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