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Kyiv Hospital Tragedy: 9 Fatalities in Devastating Hypersonic Missile Strike

putin news today

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  • Nine fatalities reported after a Kyiv children’s‌ hospital is struck.
  • Fourteen additional deaths across various Ukrainian cities.
  • 67 individuals injured amidst ongoing conflict.

Tragedy ​Strikes Kyiv

In a devastating turn of⁤ events, a children’s hospital in Kyiv has been ⁤hit, resulting in‌ nine tragic deaths.

The assault on the hospital is ⁣part of ​a‌ wider pattern of violence affecting Ukraine, with ⁣fourteen more lives lost in ‍different cities. The number of injured has ‌risen to 67, as confirmed by officials. The⁢ ongoing conflict continues​ to take a heavy toll on the nation, ‌with civilian infrastructure like healthcare facilities⁤ becoming targets. The international community watches​ with concern as each day brings new reports of casualties and destruction in the⁤ war-torn country.

Read the full article here.

Image Credits

  • Image: A ‍scene of the aftermath at the Kyiv children’s hospital ‌(Source: usdailybyte.com).
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