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Russia Reactivates Intermediate Missile Production Post-US Treaty Termination: Strategic Implications

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  • Russian President Vladimir⁣ Putin pushes for intermediate-range missile production.
  • The missiles were​ previously banned under a defunct treaty with the US.
  • Putin’s call marks a significant⁢ shift in Russian defense policy.

Putin Advocates for Missile Production Revival

In a move that signals a major policy change, ⁢Russian⁢ President ⁢Vladimir Putin ‍has announced intentions to restart the⁢ production of intermediate-range missiles.

This decision comes after the dissolution of a ‌treaty with the‌ United States that had ⁤previously prohibited such armaments. ​The ⁤treaty, a Cold War-era agreement, was designed ‌to reduce the risk of ​nuclear conflict by eliminating the entire class of missiles. Putin’s call to ⁤renew‍ production‌ reflects escalating tensions ⁣and a shift away from previous arms‌ control ‌accords. The ‍international community ⁣is closely monitoring ⁤these developments, which have​ significant implications for global security and strategic‍ military balance.

Read the full article here.

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