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Serbia Unites in Belgrade Rally Amid Regional Tensions, Backed by Russian Support

putin news


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  • Serbia’s ​president advocates for⁢ peace ⁤in the Balkans.
  • A large‍ nationalist ⁤rally in⁣ Belgrade emphasizes Serbian unity.
  • The​ event was co-organized by the Bosnian Serb separatist⁤ leader.

Call for Peace Amid Nationalist Rally in Serbia

In ​a significant political development, Serbia’s populist president has made a public appeal for peace and ‌stability‍ in the Balkan region.

The call for harmony comes at a time ⁤when⁤ the president, alongside the Bosnian Serb​ separatist leader, hosted a substantial nationalist gathering in‌ Belgrade.⁤ This event was⁢ marked ⁢by strong ​rhetoric promoting⁣ the “unity” of Serbs across the⁤ Balkans.⁣ The rally, ⁣which drew considerable attention, underscores⁤ the complex political dynamics in the‌ region, where⁣ nationalist sentiments often intersect with calls for broader ⁣regional peace and ‌cooperation.

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