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Trump Proposes Mediation in Ukraine Conflict; Biden Labels Putin ‘War Criminal’ During Debate

putin news today


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  • Biden labels Putin a ‘war‍ criminal’ over Ukraine conflict.
  • US President asserts Putin’s desire to⁢ take ​over ⁣all of Ukraine.
  • Former President Trump suggests he could ‘settle’ the invasion.

US Leaders on Ukraine Crisis

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, US President Joe Biden has made ‍a strong statement against Russian President ‍Vladimir Putin.

President Biden has openly ⁣called Putin a ‘war criminal’, reflecting the gravity of the situation in Ukraine. He has also voiced his belief⁤ that Putin intends to conquer the entire country, indicating a dire view ⁢of Russia’s ambitions. Meanwhile, former‍ President Donald Trump has ⁣indicated that he could negotiate a resolution‍ to the invasion, offering a contrasting approach ⁤to ⁣the‍ current administration’s stance. These developments highlight the complexity and international concern surrounding the ⁢Ukraine crisis.

Read the full article here.

Image Credits

  • Getty Images: A photo accompanying the news on the Ukraine-Russia conflict.


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